Putnam on Updated Citrus Crop Forecast

Dan Citrus, Crop Forecasts, Florida

putnam citrusFlorida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Agriculture released its monthly citrus crop forecast for the 2017-2018 season:

“Today’s lowered forecast shows that the damage to Florida citrus from Hurricane Irma is still unfolding, and it will continue to for some time. Florida’s growers need support and they need it fast. I will continue to work with Governor Scott and leaders in Washington to get Florida’s growers the support and relief they need to rebuild as quickly as possible.”

The USDA’s forecast today of 50 million boxes of oranges for the 2017-2018 season is down 4 million boxes from the October estimate.

In the wake of Hurricane Irma, Commissioner Putnam announced that Florida citrus sustained more than $760 million in damages. Commissioner Putnam also joined Governor Rick Scott in Washington D.C to discuss the agricultural damage and to request federal assistance with Florida’s Congressional Delegation.

For more information about the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, visit FreshFromFlorida.com.