Autumn Planting for Fall Vegetables

Dan This Land of Ours, Vegetables

vegetablesIf you were pondering what vegetables to plant, Cathy Isom is here to help. Cathy lets you know the vegetables to plant now so they’ll be ready when you want them next Fall. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


When it comes to our gardens, spring isn’t the only time we should be planting for harvests that we can look forward to in the months ahead. There are several vegetables that don’t like the cold but there are many that do and should be planted right now for a great harvest next year.

These cool weather plants insist on it, such as garlic and onions and spring cabbage. All of these cold weather vegetables should be planted in the fall. Russian Kale, Broad beans and peas are also great for planting in the autumn and can definitely handle some of the harsher winter temperatures and are frost tolerant. Swiss Chard is often grown as part of a cold-tolerant autumn and winter garden but can be planted in the autumn to provide spring greens. Always check with your local garden center to see which plants do best in the cold tolerant months in your area.

I’m Cathy Isom…