Irma Damages to Cattle Industry in Florida Estimates Skyrocket

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

cattle industryThe Florida Department of Agriculture said this week that damages to the states beef cattle industry are estimated at 237.5 million in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.

Florida surveys cattle ranches after the category four hurricane hit the state, and found more than 100 dead animals reported, along with 187,000 calves waiting to be shipped to out-of-state feedlots. Forage crops were severely damaged and floods and widespread damage to ranch infrastructure.

Meat industry publication Meatingplace reports total crops losses to beef cattle producers in Florida are estimated to be $14 million. Of the more than 18,000 beef cattle ranches in Florida, an estimated 6,000 suffered significant damages to structures, fences, and equipment, and have large amounts of storm debris that must be cleaned up. Florida estimates fencing needs will cost the states ranch operators $24 million, and infrastructure repairs will cost $90 million.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.