Make Your Own Hard Apple Cider

Dan Fruits, This Land of Ours

Hard Apple CiderCathy Isom has some tips about how you can make your own hard apple cider from this year’s harvest. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.



For anyone growing their own apples, it can be challenging keeping up with a fall harvest.

Instead of the usual daily servings of this juicy fruit sliced and dipped in peanut butter or used in chopped salads, apple pies, or even applesauce, why not try something new this year by making your own Hard Apple Cider.

Apples are 65% liquid. So, it may be one of the easiest and tastiest concoctions you’ll ever make. If using your own apples, blend and filter through a cheesecloth. Or, if buying from the store, only use unpasteurized, preservative-free apple juice. Place the filtered juice in a large container, leave room for bubbling, then cover the container with a cheesecloth or any other type of material that will allow air and wild yeast in, while keeping the fruit flies out. Leave the container out on the counter, stirring every couple of days. And, by the end of the week, this alcoholic drink should be ready for the party.

I’m Cathy Isom…