South Korea to Host KORUS Trade Meeting

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

south koreaSouth Korea will hold a second round of trade talks with the United States next month. The meeting comes as the Trump administration wants to either renegotiate a free trade agreement between the two or withdraw from the agreement.

A South Korea news agency reports the meeting will take place on October 4th, but the two sides have yet to decide on the specific agenda or their delegations.

Last week, the top trade negotiators for Korea and the U.S. met in Washington, D.C., to discuss ways to move forward with the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, known as KORUS. Washington is seeking to amend the five-year-old deal to address the country’s growing deficit in trade with South Korea. Korea previously declined to engage with the U.S. in talks to address KORUS.

Korea is the fifth largest U.S. agricultural export market.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.