White House Backs 2018 Spending Package

Dan Industry News Release

spendingThe Trump administration offered support this week to the 2018 spending package the U.S. House is set to consider that includes the ag spending bill. The measure includes funding for the Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal agencies. In a statement, the White House says that if the bill was “presented to the president in its current form, his advisers would recommend that he sign the bill into law.” Politico reports that the White House supported putting aside money for rural broadband and infrastructure; for providing full funding for USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service budget request; and for the $7 billion it would give for Farm Service Agency loans to farmers. But administration officials took aim at the measure’s inclusion of certain rural development programs, including the Rural Business-Cooperative Service and wastewater and housing grants, which the White House wants eliminated.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.

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