Everett Griner talks about agriculture history and the one horse farm era in today’s Agri View.
Well, I have been reading from my farm history book again. I love American agriculture history.
Reading about the era of the one-horse farm. Now, before modern mechanization, the size of a farm was generally measured in horses. Anything above a 2 horse farm was big.
So, a young man starting to raise a family and make his living farming, looking for a one-horse farm. Now, that was about 60 acres. All one man could manage. And, more frequently than not, that one horse was a mule. That was just about the land that one animal could handle too.
Now, as machinery slowly replaced the horse or the mule, the term ‘one-horse farm’ began to fade. It eventually vanished from our farm vocabulary. Like the horse, or the mule, itself.
Just another part of American agriculture history.
That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…
Image credit: (top right) old-plow | He Dwells/Pinterest
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