Stabenow States Concern with Clovis Nomination

Dan Industry News Release



Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow is concerned that Sam Clovis is not qualified to be an Agriculture Department Undersecretary. In a statement last week, Stabenow said: “This nominee seems to lack the necessary agricultural science and research qualifications that are required by the Farm Bill.” President Trump announced he would nominate Clovis to serve as the USDA Under Secretary of Research, Education, and Economics, which dually serves as the Department’s Chief Scientist. Stabenow also said she has many questions about Clovis’s “troubling views” on climate change and providing public investment in crop insurance and education. However, Stabenow said Steve Censky and Ted McKinney stand out as experienced candidates to serve in USDA leadership roles. Censky was nominated as USDA deputy secretary and McKinney as Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.

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