Agri View: Southern Choice

Dan Agri View



Everett Griner talks about the choice made for Secretary of Agriculture and President of the Farm Bureau Federation of America in today’s Agri View.



I think it is safe to assume that farmers in the southeast feel a little more assured today. You see, two of the strongest and most representative voices in all of the agriculture are from their part of the country. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and the President of the American Farm Bureau Federation.



The Secretary of Agriculture is former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue. The top man in the American Farm Bureau is Georgia farmer, Zippy Duvall. Be assured, neither of these men will use their position to favor their background. They will serve agriculture to accommodate the whole nation. The last Secretary of Agriculture from the southeast was 97 years ago. Knowing that these men know and understand southeastern agriculture is certainly something to make southeastern farmers more comfortable.


That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…

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