New Zealand to Visit U.S. to Talk Trade

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade officials from New Zealand will meet with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other visitU.S. trade officials. The New Zealand government says the nation’s Trade Minister Todd McClay will make New Zealand’s first official ministerial visit to Washington under the Trump administration this week and will be pressing to advance the U.S.-New Zealand trade relationship. The U.S. is the biggest market for beef and wine from New Zealand, and the nation’s second-largest dairy market. McClay called the U.S. a “vitally important trading partner” for New Zealand, worth more than $16 billion in two-way trade. McClay says he will be “highlighting the strength of our bilateral relationship, the importance of continued New Zealand-U.S. cooperation and leadership on trade in the Asia-Pacific and our cooperation in the WTO against barriers to trade.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.

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