Agri View: Crime against Agriculture Continues

Dan Agri View

crimeEverett Griner talks about crime against agriculture and how law enforcement is dealing with it in today’s Agri View.




In spite of all that law enforcement agencies can do it goes on, and on, and on. I am talking about a crime against agriculture. In states, in regions, nationwide. In spite of all the efforts to control it. One Mississippi farmer said he doubted there wasn’t a farm in his county that hadn’t had its irrigation equipment stripped of its copper wiring. Of course with so much copper, any irrigation system anywhere is a prime target. It isn’t confined to just irrigation and copper. Storage sheds and barns are stuffed with equipment that makes it easy for thieves to plunder. That includes anything from hand tools to tractors. If it is made of metal, it is a potential target. Now, law enforcement agencies are beginning to prosecute buyers. Buyers are easier to find than the thieves.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…

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