Glyphosate-resistant Johnsongrass Management Webcast

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

New ‘Focus on Cotton’ Webcast Identifies Key Practices and Programs for Managing Glyphosate-resistant Johnsongrass

glyphosateGlyphosate-resistant Johnsongrass can completely overtake a cotton field if managed improperly. It is one of the most tenacious weeds because of its ability to reproduce and spread through rhizomes.

The Focus on Cotton webcast titled “Glyphosate-Resistant Johnsongrass Management” helps cotton growers, consultants, and other industry experts identify effective herbicide programs and other management techniques that limit Johnsongrass growth before and after emergence.

This 22-minute talk by Daniel O. Stephenson, IV, Associate Professor and Weed Science Specialist at Louisiana State University, provides information that helps users:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different herbicide schedules
  • Select and implement a zero tolerance, total herbicide program
  • Reduce infestation potential with rotation and sanitation techniques

This presentation is available at no charge, courtesy of Cotton Incorporated, through the ‘Focus on Cotton’ webcast resource located at the Plant Management Network,  ‘Focus on Cotton’ contains over 50 webcasts on various aspects of cotton crop management. These talks–freely accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week–cover agronomic practices, crop protection, and ag engineering.  This resource also features a new and improved Cotton Extension Search tool, where users can conveniently search for extension resources across all U.S. land-grant universities serving cotton producers.

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