Trump Threatens to Terminate ‘KORUS’

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

terminateIn a recent interview, President Donald Trump threatened to terminate a trade agreement with South Korea, which he referred to as a “horrible deal that’s left America destroyed.” A Washington Post article says Trump sharply criticized the U.S. free trade agreement with South Korea, known as “KORUS,” which was most recently ratified in 2011. “It’s a Hillary Clinton disaster, a deal that should never have been made,” Trump said, “it’s a one-way street.” South Korea is the sixth-largest trading partner with the U.S. However, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative says America’s trade deficit with Korea was $27.7 billion last year. The week of May first marks an anniversary for the trade deal, which triggers a review period that could lead to renegotiation or termination of the deal by either side. The president says the process to terminate KORUS is much simpler than the process for NAFTA. “With NAFTA, if we terminate tomorrow, it ends in six months.” Trump says, “With KORUS if we terminate, it’s over.” South Korea’s Trade Ministry told the Associated Press it has no plans to renegotiate the deal.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

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