U.S. Corn Crop Planting Falls Slightly Behind

Dan Corn

slightly behindCorn planting progress has fallen slightly behind the five-year average, according to USDA’s weekly crop progress report. Only 6% of total corn acreage had been planted as of April 16, which is 3% short of the five-year average and 6% behind the same date last year. For the most part, the slower pace is a result of wet conditions across many of the 18 states that account for 92-percent of the corn acres planted.

But here in the Southeast, corn planted in Alabama was at 57%, just slightly behind the 60% at this time last year, but ahead of the five year average of 52%.

In Georgia, corn planted as of this past Sunday was at 82%, which is actually a bit higher than the 80% found at this time last year and also the 5-year average.

To view the full report click here.

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