Senate Ag Appropriator Says no Budget Cuts this Fiscal Year

Dan Industry News Release

trump budget cutsThe chairman of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations panel says there will be no budget cuts this fiscal year. North Dakota Republican John Hoeven says the current fiscal year is “too far along” to make an adjustment now, as requested by President Donald Trump. The President has proposed an $18 billion cut in discretionary spending, including more than $1 billion from the Department of Agriculture. Hoeven told Politico earlier this week that appropriation bills will be at the 2017 funding levels set by Congress for this year. Any slashing of funding that may occur, as requested by President Trump, would likely be aimed at the spending package needed to keep the government funded past April 28th, when the current continuing resolution expires. Republican leaders in Congress remain confident an agreement on a spending measure will be reached, avoiding any potential government shutdown.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.

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