2016 Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) Week-Grain Bin Safety
Be cautious around grain and grain storage structures on the farm. It takes just seconds for a person to be pulled in and under a flowing mass of grain, leading to suffocation. Unloading grain creates a similar pull to quick sand. It is also advised to properly maintain your storage bins. If there are cracks or leaks on your metal storage bins, you may need an automatic girth welding machine to do the repairs. If you need professional help, you may also consider hiring Commercial Welding Contractors.
Children should never play or climb on grain or in grain storage structures. Working with grain can be dangerous even for the most experienced farmer. Make sure you and your children know the risks and act accordingly.
This video was shot in 2015 during the awarding of a grain rescue tube and rescue training to the Conrad (IA) Fire Department. Rural fire departments often lack the specialized equipment and training to perform a successful grain bin rescue. Each year, Nationwide organizes the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest, held in conjunction with Grain Bin Safety Week, that awards grain rescue tubes and training to fire departments across the country. Providing first responders with the necessary equipment and training is no small task, but with your support we believe it’s possible. To nominate your fire department , go to http://www.grainbinsafetyweek.com/.