This year’s Citrus Expo seminar program on August 19-20 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers includes several Florida citrus grower and harvester speakers.
“What harvesters are seeing across the industry” will be presented at 11:10 a.m. on August 19 and will include the following panel of speakers:
* Jason Carlton, JLC Farms
* Marty McKenna, McKenna & Associates Citrus
* Paul Meador, Everglades Harvesting & Hauling
* Justin Sorrells, DeSoto Fruit and Harvesting
* Charlie Wilson, Sunridge Harvesting
At 10:00 a.m. on August 20, Ron Mahan of Tamiami Citrus will discuss “IFAS sweet orange varieties: the licensing process, challenges and opportunities.”
At 11:20 on August 20, don’t miss the grower panel presenting “Motivations and approaches used by growers who are replanting.” Speakers include:
* Rob Atchley, Duda
* Larry Black, Peace River Packing Co.
* Tim Gast, Southern Gardens Citrus
* Rick Johnson
* Jay Whitaker, Ben Hill Griffin
Those attending the complete Citrus Expo seminar program can earn up to six continuing education units (CEUs) toward a Florida pesticide license and up to six Certified Crop Adviser CEUs.