New Citrus Variety Options for Florida Growers

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

New Varieties Development & Management Corp. (NVDMC) has scheduled statewide grower meetings supporting the launch of FAST TRACK’s new suite of experimental citrus selections. This new suite features three selections: one grapefruit, one tangerine type, and one unique navel-like hybrid.

FAST TRACK is an innovative program developed through the cooperative efforts of Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc. (FFSP), UF-IFAS and NVDMC. Through FAST TRACK, commercial citrus growers can register to plant promising experimental selections for trial and evaluation. FAST TRACK engages growers in the evaluation process and provides an opportunity for industry to help determine which selections have true commercial potential. FAST TRACK is intended to reduce the amount of time necessary to evaluate and commercialize promising new varieties. The program is currently for fresh fruit varieties only. FAST TRACK Growers will receive benefits for their participation.

The first suite of nine FAST TRACK selections was offered in August 2013. The program was very successful, resulting in 61 registered grower trial sites.

All interested commercial citrus growers should plan to attend one of the upcoming meetings. A presentation will explain details about the program and registration documentation will be distributed. Representatives from the IFAS Plant Improvement Team and/or FFSP will also be present. Citrus Extension agents are encouraged to attend. Each meeting will last approximately an hour.

August 12

11:00 AM St. Lucie County Extension Office (Extension Classroom)
8400 Picos Rd, Suite 101
Ft. Pierce, FL

3:00 PM Highlands County IFAS Extension Office (Room 2)
4509 George Blvd
Sebring, FL 33875-5837

August 14

2:00 PM Southwest Florida Research & Education Center (Auditorium)
2685 SR 29 North
Immokalee, FL 34142

This meeting is immediately after the Citrus Expo. Travel from the Expo site is approximately 50 minutes.

August 19

9:30 AM Lake County IFAS Extension Office (Training Room A)
1951 Woodlea Rd.
Tavares, FL 32778-4204

2:00 PM IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center (Room 101)
700 Experiment Station Rd.
Lake Alfred, FL 33850

Note: Plans for a north Florida meeting were not finalized at the time of publication. If a meeting is set in Quincy or Marianna, it will be noticed separately. Seating may be limited. Please RSVP by fax to (321) 214-0223 or e-mail to