Morris Wins Election for Georgia Peanut Commission District 2

Randall Weiseman Field Crops, Georgia, Peanuts

May 31, 2013 TIFTON, Ga. – The Georgia Peanut Commission announces Armond Morris of Irwin County, as the District 2 board member-elect for a three-year term. Morris defeated Wes Shannon of Tift County, by 65.24% of the vote after a 30-day balloting period, which ended April 30, 2013. The Georgia Farm Bureau conducts the nomination meetings and votes are counted by the certified public accountants at Allen Pritchett & Bassett in Tifton, Ga.

In December 2012, nomination meetings were held for the board seats in District 2, 4 and 5. Morris is the incumbent for District 2 and will be sworn in and certified with the Secretary of State during the commission’s board meeting on June 13, 2013. The District 4 and 5 board members were nominated without opposition so they will serve another three-year term and will also be sworn in and certified at the June board meeting. The board members are Rodney Dawson of Pulaski County, representing District 4, and Donald Chase of Macon County, representing District 5.

The Georgia peanut production area is divided into five districts based on acreage distribution and geographical location with one board member representing each district. Each nominee must produce peanuts and live within the district for which he is nominated.

The Georgia Peanut Commission represents 3,500 peanut farmers in the state of Georgia and carries out programs in the areas of research, education and promotion. Additional information on the programs of the Georgia Peanut Commission is available online at