Citrus Industry eNews: Rootstock Trial Progress; Potential Psyllid Solution

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

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Harold Browning

HLB-Tolerant Citrus Rootstock Trials Move Forward
The Citrus Research and Development Foundation this week moved forward with efforts to get potentially HLB-tolerant rootstocks into grower hands for trial plantings within a year or so. Foundation Chief Operations Officer Harold Browning has the details.

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Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Foliar Micronutrients for Citrus 800-277-4950

Lukasz Stelinski

The “Latest and Greatest” for Citrus Psyllid Control
University of Florida entomologist Lukasz Stelinski provides an update on psyllid monitoring and pesticide resistance. He also discusses “the latest and greatest” potential psyllid solution. Learn more.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Grow your investment Fire Ant Free.

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Sevin XLR PLUS: Expand Your IPM Toolbox

Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Comments on Department of Citrus Chief’s Evaluation
Citrus Disease Plagues Florida
Too Much Sun in the Sunshine State: OJ Concentrate
CA: Psyllid Treatment Cost May Force Strategy Change
Brazil OJ Makers Fined for Labor Violations
Spain: Citrusgenn Unravels Citrus DNA
South African Citrus Volumes Up in 2012 Season

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
The Burning Question: When Should You Treat for Fire Ants?

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Surround: IPM for Asian Citrus Psyllid

Ray Royce

Citrus Expo Seminar Co-Chair Summarizes August Program
Highlands County Citrus Growers Association Executive Director Ray Royce, serving this year as co-chair of the Aug. 14-15 Citrus Expo seminar committee, provides an overview of the seminars. Hear his report.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Haifa BONUS – Powerful Foliar Potassium Nitrate

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A Florida Company Doing Business In Florida Since 1934

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GOOD BUG, EVIL BUG. Portal knows the difference

Steve Futch

Citrus Agent Addresses Horticultural Research for HLB
Multi-county citrus Extension agent Steve Futch summarized horticultural-based research into possible HLB solutions at a recent HLB grower day in Lake Alfred. He discusses the search for resistant trees, the “edge effect” and nutrition. Listen to his report.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Stop Citrus Canker This Growing Season

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Control Citrus Canker In Your Grove

April 2 Florida Citrus Growers Institute, South Florida State College, Avon Park

April 3 U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory Open House, Ft. Pierce, contact 772-462-5800

April 18 Higher Density Planting-Rootstock Field Day, Indiantown

April 18 Peace River Valley Citrus Grower Association’s Grower Round Table, 2503 Ralph Johns Rd., Wauchula, contact Katie at 863-494-0061 or

April 25 Citrus Golf Day, Pinecrest Golf Club, Avon Park, contact Highlands County Citrus Growers Association at 863-385-8091

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MORE ORANGES – Foliar blends focused on Florida growers

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Companion Biological Fungicide