Citrus Industry eNews: HLB and Root Health; Grower Optimism

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

This Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive masthead represents the electronic newsletter now being sent weekly to growers and industry If you would like to receive this eNews directly via e-mail, please subscribe here.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
YaraLiva – Deliver More Profits Pound For Pound

Evan Johnson

HLB and Citrus Tree Root Health
University of Florida researcher Evan Johnson discusses several issues regarding the root health of HLB affected trees. His topics include the reason HLB can’t be pruned from trees and a possible relationship between HLB and phytophthora. He has some suggestions regarding root health. Hear more.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Foliar Micronutrients for Citrus 800-277-4950

Larry Duncan

Advanced Citrus System Harms Diaprepes-Fighting Nematode
University of Florida researcher Larry Duncan says an advanced citrus production system can adversely impact nematodes that battle Diaprepes root weevil. However, he notes that the advanced system has much promise for getting groves into production fast in the face of HLB. Learn more.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Grow your investment Fire Ant Free.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Surround: IPM for Asian Citrus Psyllid

Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Citrus Crop Forecast is March 8
Psyllids with Bad Wings, and Other HLB Strategies
Ag Secretary Addresses FL Citrus Industry and HLB
A to Z in March Citrus Industry Magazine
Tactics to Fight Citrus Greening Heard at Meeting
Tough Year for Florida Citrus Crop
Coca-Cola Must Face Lawsuit over OJ Labeling
The Challenges of Citrus
FL Citrus Takes Hit from Devaluing of Japanese Yen
A Uniquely Florida Industry in Jeopardy
Univ. of AZ Shares $9M Contract to Fight, Prevent HLB
Inquiry into Australian Citrus Industry Announced
Brazilian Orange Juice Exports Rose in February

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
The Burning Question: When Should You Treat for Fire Ants?

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Sevin XLR PLUS: Expand Your IPM Toolbox

Jim Ellis

Citrus Grower Expresses Optimism in Spite of Problems
Bartow citrus grower Jim Ellis says there is cause for the citrus industry to have optimism in spite of very heavy fruit drop and other issues. Hear more.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Haifa BONUS – Powerful Foliar Potassium Nitrate

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
GOOD BUG, EVIL BUG. Portal knows the difference

Gary England

Citrus Growers Hear About Efforts to Mitigate HLB
Growers heard researchers discuss efforts to manage HLB, the psyllids that spread it and other issues at the Mid Florida Citrus Foundation Field Day last week. Extension agent Gary England has the details.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Root to Foliage Protection

Megan Dewdney

Citrus Researcher Has Black Spot Update
University of Florida scientist Megan Dewdney provides an update on the incidence and control of citrus black spot. Listen to her report.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Control Citrus Canker In Your Grove

March 8 USDA Citrus Crop Live Forecast at 12 p.m. on

March 9 Hendry County Extension Ag Tour, contact Debra at 863-674-4092

March 12 Scouting and Management of Citrus Fungal Diseases, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee, contact 863-674-4092 or for required pre-registration

March 13 OJ Break – New Statewide Florida Citrus BMP Meeting, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact Chris Oswalt at 863-519-8677 ext. 108 or

March 20 Mature Citrus Mentors, Lake County Agricultural Center, Tavares, contact Anna Perez at 352-343-4101, ext. 2714

March 20 Collier County Extension Ag Tour, contact Robert Halman at 239-353-4244

March 21 Panel Discussion: USDA Risk Management Agency’s New Fruit Policy for the 2013-2014 season, Florida Citrus Mutual, Lakeland, RSVP to 863-682-1111 or

April 2 Florida Citrus Growers Institute, South Florida State College, Avon Park

April 3 U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory Open House, Ft. Pierce, contact 772-462-5800

Send your event info to

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
MORE ORANGES – Foliar blends focused on Florida growers

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Companion Biological Fungicide