Citrus Industry eNews: HLB Research; Juice Concerns; Trade Issues

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

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YaraLiva – Deliver More Profits Pound For Pound

Arnold Schumann, right, tells growers about the advanced citrus production system

Citrus Growers See Research That Could Help with HLB
More than 200 growers and others toured groves near Lake Alfred to see research into rootstocks and a production system that might help them cope better with HLB. Hear more.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Same as KeyPlex? NOT EVEN CLOSE. Ask for the Research.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Foliar Micronutrients for Citrus 800-277-4950

Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Tropicana Gives UF/IFAS $1.5 Million Gift for Citrus Faculty Post
Citrus Department to Counter Adverse OJ Reports
Citrus Research Center Whistleblower Settles With UF
Harris-Mann Climatology Predicts Crop-Damaging FL Freeze
Citrus Takes Budget Hits, Lost Sales in Sandy’s Aftermath
Jackpot for Florida Citrus Growers Who Held Back
Collier Family Farms Expanding
Researchers Pinpoint Culprits in Grapefruit/Drug Interactions
OJ Comes Under Fire as Sugary
Heavy Dose of Citrus Coming to Schools
Indian River Leader Remembered for Advancing Citrus
OJ Linked to Lower Risk of Obesity in Adults
Tropicana Uses the Carrot to Squeeze Juice Sales

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Liquid Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Haifa BONUS – Powerful Foliar Potassium Nitrate

Rick Cristol

Citrus Growers Hear Juice Concerns
Juice Products Association President Rick Cristol last week told Florida Citrus Mutual’s directors about numerous threats to the juice industry, including media reports about the amount of sugar in juice. Listen to his report.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:

Mike Sparks

Citrus Growers Face Trade Issues and Other Challenges
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks addresses trade concerns – one sparked by carbendazim contamination of OJ earlier this year – and other challenges facing Florida citrus growers. Hear the details.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
News From the Field Newsletter, contact David Summers

Jan. 8 Getting Prepared for Freezes, Southwest Florida Research & Education Center, Immokalee, contact or 863-674-4092 for required preregistration

Jan. 10 Citrus Harvesting Research Advisory Council meeting, Florida Department of Citrus, Bartow, contact Sandy Barros at 863-956-2025

Jan. 16 Private and Core Restricted Use Pesticide License Review and Testing, Hardee County Extension Service Office, Wauchula, contact 863-773-2164 to preregister

Jan. 17 Farm Labor Supervisor Training Program, Turner Agri-Civic Center, Arcadia, contact Marcela Rice at or 239-658-3400

Jan. 17 Susan Nardizzi of FDACS will present “Targeted Strategies to Market Florida Agriculture: Fresh from Florida Program to Expand Efforts for the Most Aggressive Outreach Yet” at the Florida Chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association lunch and learn, Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront Hotel, contact 561-855-3010 or for required reservations

Jan. 18 New Varieties Development and Management Corporation’s IFAS variety display, Indian River Research & Education Center, Ft. Pierce, contact Peter Chaires at

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Copper coverage with Less Metallic Copper per acre