Citrus Industry eNews: Nutrition/HLB; Hurner Resigns; Black Spot Find

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

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YaraLiva – Deliver More Profits Pound For Pound

Bob Rouse

More on Benefits of Nutrition for Citrus Trees with HLB
University of Florida researcher Bob Rouse recently told growers from the Peace River region more about the benefit of using enhanced nutritionals on HLB-infected trees. In this report, he says some nutritional elements have been identified as being especially important for trees with HLB. Hear the details.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Same as KeyPlex? NOT EVEN CLOSE. Ask for the Research.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Foliar Micronutrients for Citrus 800-277-4950

Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Citrus Growers Want Answers for Young Tree Protection
Next Citrus Crop Forecast is Dec. 11
Freeze-Damaging Temperatures for Citrus
The Quest for Citrus Research Funds
Handing Down the Citrus Tradition in West Volusia
Entomologist Recognized for Citrus Research
Citrus Fans in Ohio Flock to Buy from Florida Truck
ACP Quarantine Established in Tulare County
Multimillion Dollar Citrus Project in Australia
Lebanon: Despite Soured Market, Citrus Remains a Staple

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Liquid Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Haifa BONUS – Powerful Foliar Potassium Nitrate

Mike Sparks

Details on Polk Citrus Black Spot Find
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks reacts to and provides more information about the recent finding of citrus black spot on a single piece of fruit in Polk County. The disease had previously been found only in southwest Florida. Hear his report and read more details.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
News From the Field Newsletter, contact David Summers

Tim Hurner

Resigning Citrus Agent Reflects on Career, Looks at Future
After 46 years serving Florida’s citrus industry as Extension agent and educator, Tim Hurner has announced his resignation from Extension on Dec. 31. He reflects on his career and discusses his and the industry’s future. Listen to Hurner.

Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:

Dec. 8 HCCGA Fun Shoot, Quail Creek Plantation, Okeechobee

Dec. 11 USDA Citrus Crop Forecast at 8:30 a.m. on

Dec. 13 Citrus Research Field Day, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred

Dec. 18 New Varieties Development and Management Corporation’s IFAS variety display, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact Peter Chaires at

Dec. 19 Florida Citrus Commission meeting, Florida Department of Citrus, Bartow

Jan. 10 Citrus Harvesting Research Advisory Council meeting, Florida Department of Citrus, Bartow, contact Sandy Barros
at 863-956-2025

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Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive sponsor:
Copper coverage with Less Metallic Copper per acre