Citrus Industry eNews: Gunter Resigning; Citrus Forecast; Temik Loss

Tacy Callies Citrus, Florida

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Dan Gunter

Citrus Research Foundation COO Gunter to Resign
Dan Gunter, chief operating officer of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation, announced Monday he’s resigning effective April 8 to take a job in private industry. Hear the report. Gunter also tells where he’s going and discusses the state of the foundation.

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Megan Dewdney

Expert Discusses Sweet Orange Scab and Citrus Black Spot
University of Florida plant pathologist Megan Dewdney says not everyone is convinced classical sweet orange scab is really in Florida, and offers her latest thoughts on citrus black spot control. Listen to her report.

University of Florida entomologist Michael Rogers

Temik Loss, Insecticides and HLB Transmission Discussed
University of Florida entomologist Michael Rogers tells how the pending loss of the insecticide Temik will impact Florida citrus growers. He also discusses studies showing that some insecticide classes disrupt psyllid feeding behavior responsible for HLB transmission. Get the details.

 Stallings Crop Insurance Corporation A family-owned and operated crop insurance agency.

Duke Chadwell

Florida All Orange Forecast Up 3% from February
In its March 10 citrus crop forecast update, the U.S. Department of Agriculture increased the expected size of the Florida non-Valencia orange crop and left the expected Valencia crop unchanged. Citrus Administrative Committee Manager Duke Chadwell, whose organization tracks Florida fruit utilization, explains the changes in this report. Our coverage, sponsored by Stallings Crop Insurance, also includes audio of the full citrus crop forecast update and a detailed, downloadable PDF report.

March 22 Citrus Research and Development Foundation board of directors meeting, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, contact 863-956-1151

March 23 Squeezer Seminar on foliar nutrition to improve tree health, advanced production system and open hydroponics system for new citrus plantings, Southwest Florida Research & Education Center, Immokalee. RSVP to 863-674-4092 or

April 1 USDA Horticultural Research Lab Open House, Ft. Pierce, contact 772-462-5800

April 2 Gulf Citrus Country Gala, LaBelle Civic Center, contact 863-675-2180

April 6 Annual Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, South Florida Community College, Avon Park, Florida, contact Jane Wilson at 863-956-1151 or

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