Citrus Packers Appeal UF New Varieties Methods; UF Responds

Dan Citrus, Florida

Florida Citrus Packers Executive Vice President Richard Kinney Florida Citrus Packers Executive Vice President Richard Kinney (top left) recently appealed to the Florida Citrus Commission to help Florida growers have more affordable and timely access to new citrus varieties developed by University of Florida -IFAS plant breeders. Southeast AgNet’s Ernie Neff offers the basics of Kinney’s appeal in the first report.

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Listen to the remaining audio reports in this news post to hear Kinney further explain, Ben Albrittonsaying growers have to compete for new university varieties and pay too much for them, adding that the contract for IFAS’ new Sugar Belle variety is so “onerous” no one has signed up for it. Also in this series, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Ben Albritton (bottom left) weighs in on the issue after Kinney’s presentation, and University of Florida-IFAS Dean for Research Mark McLellanUniversity of Florida-IFAS Dean for Research Mark McLellan (bottom right) offers input for the final report in this series, to help us explain where the university’s royalties on new varieties go, and principles followed in moving new varieties to market. We look forward to catching up directly with McLellan in coming days for a radio interview to add to this series, so stay tuned. Click to see the rest of this post and to listen to the remaining reports in this series so far

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Citrus Commission Chairman Ben Albritton weighs in on the issue and tells how the commission is addressing it in this fifth report.

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In this next report, AgNet’s Ernie Neff explains written comments from University of Florida-IFAS Dean for Research Mark McLellan, which by the way will be published in their entirety in the February issue of Citrus Industry Magazine.

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