USDA Citrus Crop Update: All Oranges Reduced to 135.0 M Boxes

Gary Cooper Citrus, Crop Forecasts, Florida

The Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 135.0 million boxes, comprised of 66.0 million boxes of Candi ErickValencia oranges and 69.0 million boxes of the non-Valencia varieties (early, midseason, Navel, and Temple). The reduction of 1.0 million boxes is in the Valencia category. If realized, this forecast would be 17 percent less than last season’s production of 162.4 million boxes. In the past 8 non-hurricane seasons, the December forecast has differed from actual production by an average of 3 percent with 5 seasons above and 3 seasons below. USDA posts all of its citrus crop forecast information at its website at
Click the play icon below to hear Citrus Crop Statistics Administrator Candi Erick (photo) discuss this month’s crop forecast adjustments.
Sponsor of Monthly Citrus Crop Forecast Updates: Stallings Crop Insurance