Citrus Crop Forecast 2009 / 2010 Released by U S D A

Gary Cooper Citrus, Crop Forecasts, Florida

Florida citrus growers are forecast to produce 136 million boxes of oranges for the 2009/2010 season, according to U. S. Department of Agriculture in its annual October Citrus Crop Forecast released Friday morning October 9. Early-Mids (includes 2.3 M boxes navels) came in at 69 million, and valencias projected at 67 million boxes. FCOJ content is projected at 1.63 gallons per box. The report also forecasts Florida’s grapefruit growers to produce 19.8 million boxes, 5.8 million in white varieties and 14 million in colored. U. S. total production for oranges is forecast at 192.45 million boxes and all U. S. grapefruit was projected to be 29.8 million boxes. This was the 14th consecutive year for Southeast AgNet’s ‘live’ radio coverage of the release, and the third year the broadcast was also streamed on the internet. USDA posts all of its citrus crop forecast information at its website at Erick
Southeast AgNet wishes to extend its appreciation to the office of the Florida Agriculture Statistics Service and Citrus Statistics Administrator Candi Erick in particular (in photo) for their cooperation in providing ‘live’ coverage for growers and others industrywide for this important annual announcement.
Click the play icon to hear a recording of Candi’s “reading of the numbers” during Southeast AgNet’s “live” broadcast/webcast.
CLICK HERE to see a completed fill-in-blank chart with the citrus crop forecast numbers.
Also, we appreciate Stallings Crop Insurance for their annual sponsorship of this timely special broadcast & webcast. Please click the logo/link to learn more about
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