BMP’s for Pest Management in Vegetable Crops

Gary Cooper Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

This information, and this vegetable BMP document (click here) come to us from Gene McAvoy, County Extension Director and Regional Vegetable Agent IV in Hendry County, FL:
This report summarizes the discussion and subsequent general Best Management Practice (BMP)recommendations of research and Extension vegetable entomologists and crop consultants from primary vegetable-producing states. During a meeting held in May 2008 in Monterey, California, the group discussed pest-management issues, challenges and opportunities confronting the fresh and process vegetable industry today.

Topics included shifts in pest spectrums; emergence of insect-vectored diseases as significant risks to profitable production; availability of advanced insecticide and acaricide technologies; the need for resistance management in pest control; the challenges of a shrinking agricultural infrastructure; and regulatory trends.

Workshop Goals were to:
• Brainstorm issues, challenges and opportunities in the control of insects and mites in vegetable crops; • Develop contemporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) that optimize the performance of new insecticide technologies for controlling insects and mites; and • Discuss new insecticide technologies available to the vegetable industry and their fit in the BMPs.

This report contains a lot of useful information and ideas to consider and hopefully incorporate into your pest management strategies.