Monsanto Brings Mobile Technology Unit to Sunbelt Ag Expo

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Field Crops

Monsanto brought it’s new Mobile Technology Unit to the Sunbelt Ag Expo this year, which is a unique showcase of science and innovation. On board visitors can learn more about the latest in seed breeding technology and new product development.

I had a chance to take the tour and afterwards talk with Monsanto’s Kathy Sehnert about the Mobile Unit and it’s overall purpose.

Listen To mp3 Report (3:15 mp3)

Monsanto invests nearly $2 million per day in new product research and development. This new unit was designed to provide farmers across the country with a first hand look at the company’s commitment to the industry. The next stop for the Mobile Technology Unit after Sunbelt Ag Expo is the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.