Ag Commissioners Milk Cows at Sunbelt

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cattle, Dairy, Florida, Georgia

Ag Commissioners from 4 states were at Sunbelt Ag Expo this afternoon for what has turned out to be a fun event…..milking cows.

A good crowd was on hand to see Tommy Irvin of Georgia, Charlie Bronson of Florida, Ron Sparks of Alabama, and Ken Givens of Tennessee compete in a friendly cow milking contest.

When it was all over, the winner as you can see by the photo was Tennessee’s Ken Givens, whose background of being raised on a dairy farm was obvious. It took two measuring tubes for Givens milking effort, while Sparks came in 2nd, Irvin 3rd, and Bronson 4th in an event to promote the dairy industry.

I had a chance to interview all 4 Ag Commissioners right before the event started.

Listen To mp3 Interview (2:00 mp3)