Florida fresh citrus growers and packers sat down with USDA Under Secretary for Mktg & Regulatory Programs Bruce Knight Monday in Winter Garden FL to discuss the timing of new rules in the works that will govern the shipment of fresh fruit out of the state of Florida. U S D A researchers say much has been learned during the past year, and they say good scientific research indicates fresh fruit that has been harvested and packed properly poses no threat to citrus grown elsewhere, even if it comes from areas that have citrus canker. In this report, hear some of the comments from newsmakers on the subject, including USDA’s Knight, Richard Kinney of Florida Citrus Packers Association, and grower/packer/shipper Dan Richey of Riverfront Groves, Vero Beach FL. By the way, all parties hope to see wording for a new permanent rule published in the Federal Register by around the end of March this year or shortly thereafter, although nobody is totally sure yet what that new wording will say. Report (2:00 wma)