Grower Trials Reports 1, 2 & 3

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Word about this new Grower Trials website is getting around. For convenience sake find listed below three reports posted so far. Click on the titles below to go to the post containing that original story. From there you can click on the icons within the story to read the specific Grower Trial, and follow other instructions like clicking on the main titles of the stories to be able to view or make your own comments, or ask questions of those submitting the Trials.
Grower Trial Report # 1
Grower Trials Report # 2
There is additional discussion posted with Trial # 2…read the comments by clicking on the main title after you go to the report.
Grower Trials Report # 3

To send in your own Grower Trial, e-mail us at: and be sure to include your name, city and the county in which the grove you discuss is located.
Click on the title of this report above to make or see comments.