New vials, beakers, test tubes and sinks. More room. Those are just some of the features of laboratories that will open at the annual Field Day on April 5 at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Range Cattle Research and Education Center.

Entrance to the Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona, Florida.
“These spaces greatly advance our efforts to modernize our research laboratory and graduate student training facilities,” said John Arthington, director of the Range Cattle REC.
Labs for assistant professors Raoul Boughton and Philipe Moriel will support their research programs in rangeland wildlife ecology and animal sciences, respectively, Arthington said.
The new facilities – totaling 2,544 square feet — also include an instrumentation room shared by all faculty, a graduate student office and a student collaboration room, Arthington said.
The Field Day runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Before officials cut the ribbon to open the new labs, several key people will deliver remarks, starting at 9:30 a.m. They are:
- John Arthington, director of the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center.
- Elaine Turner, dean of the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
- Ken Griner, president of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association.
- Chris Prevatt, state specialized Extension agent. Prevatt specializes in beef cattle and forage enterprise budgeting and marketing. He will talk about the beef cattle market outlook.
- Moriel, who will talk about nutrition of beef females.
- Boughton, who will talk about Florida calf losses.
After the speeches, visitors will enjoy a steak lunch, and then they can tour beef enhancement projects:
- Brent Sellers, professor of agronomy and a weed specialist, will give an update on smutgrass management.
- Joao Vendramini, associate professor of animal sciences, will talk about warm-season perennial grass establishment.
- Maria Silveira, associate professor of soil and water sciences, will talk about land application of biosolids to bahiagrass pastures.
To attend, you must register by April 2, at, or call 863-735-1314. The registration fee is $15. The Range Cattle Research and Education Center is at 3401 Experiment Station, Ona, Florida.
By Brad Buck, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences