Brazil Meat Scandal an “Economic Embarrassment”

Dan Beef, Industry News Release

Brazil President Michel Temer (Mee’-shell Tuh-mehr’) called the recent scandal around Brazil’s sale of expired meats to other countries an “economic embarrassment” on Tuesday while more countries suspended meat imports from his nation. An Associated Press Report says five countries and the European Union have all halted at least some meat imports from Brazil, which will be a major blow to a struggling economy. Temer tried to downplay the scandal, calling it a “fuss.” He notes that only three of the more than 4,000 meatpacking plants across Brazil have been forced to close. Investigators are saying health inspectors were bribed to ignore the sale of expired meat products. Police also say the appearance and the smell of the rotten meat were covered up by chemicals, as well as water and flour. Trade Associations for beef, pork, and poultry producers in Brazil say this could have a major impact on employment across the country. It could put a major dent in the economy as meat exports comprise 15 percent of the country’s total amount of exports. So far, the Brazil government has banned meat exports from 21 plants under investigation.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.