Digging Deeper into H-2A

Tacy Callies Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida

Mike Carlton

Judy Wertz-Strickland

The federal guest worker program H-2A has become a topic of great interest to Florida citrus growers who faced labor shortages last season. Two of the Citrus Expo seminar speakers on Wednesday discussed H-2A. Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association’s Labor Relations Director, Mike Carlton, explained the steps necessary to use the H-2A program. He also informed the crowd of several potential labor programs that are being proposed in Congress. Of the programs being debated, the Legal Agricultural Workforce Act of 2011 appears to be the best option for the citrus industry, he said. The Legal Agricultural Workforce Act would be administered by the Department of Agriculture, would not require worker housing, and would allow for a market-based wage.

Judy Wertz-Strickland of Desoto Fruit and Harvesting discussed her company’s real-life experience using the H-2A program for the past 12 years. She emphasized that H-2A is not a program to use for the short-term. It is a long-term investment. While initial costs can be very high, the result can be a reliable and highly productive workforce.