Weather Watch Services for Citrus Growers

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Ray Royce of Highlands County Citrus Growers Association sent out a handy memo to his members today about some websites and other services available for citrus growers during cold weather times. Many areas of Florida are expected to dip below freezing at some point in the coming days. I hope Ray doesn’t mind me posting the following info for other visitors to this website. Click here for

Weather Resources
There are a number of ways for growers to monitor weather conditions:

Florida Citrus Mutual members can contact Mutual at 863-682-1111 ext. 805 for weather updates (Highlands County is in the National Weather Service’s zone # 57).

The Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) can be accessed on the web at:

You can search for free weather sources on the Ultimate Citrus Page at: