herbicide resistance

The Growing Challenge of Herbicide Resistance


We are all very aware of the growing challenge of herbicide resistance: Palmer amaranth and waterhemp are making more headlines due to their resistance against HPPD-inhibiting herbicides.  So, BASF is taking the month of July to raise awareness of herbicide resistance across the Corn Belt to help preserve existing chemistries for seasons to come.  “Invasive weeds not only compete for vital resources …

Provysol Can Help With Resistance Issues in Peanut Crops

Dan BASF, Peanuts

Resistance issues continues to be a major concern for many peanut growers going into this season. Abraham Fulmer, BASF Technical Service Representative, explains to Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman why it has been such a problem the past few years. Provysol fungicide provides fast disease-stopping power to shield new growth and immediately deposits to inner leaf depots and provides residual protection as …

BASF Introduces Provysol Fungicide for Peanuts

Dan BASF, Peanuts

The 2021 peanut planting season is well underway, but still on the minds of many growers are the various issues they had to deal with last year, with leaf spot and white mold being two of those. BASF Technical Service Representative Abraham Fulmer told Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman, this was an issue even in some very well rotated fields last year. Go …