It’s All In The Name – Luverne’s Chicken Shack Wins Bama’s Best Fried Chicken Contest

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

When a restaurant is brave enough to include a particular food in its name, its expected they’ll excel at cooking said food. Case in point: Luverne’s Chicken Shack. The popular poultry purveyor recently won the title of Bama’s Best Fried Chicken through a contest hosted on “Simply Southern TV’s” Facebook page. As winners, Chicken Shack owners Mike and Drew Money …

Survey Shows US Chicken Consumption Remains Strong

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

More than nine in ten consumers purchase chicken regularly U.S. chicken consumption remains high, and consumers are hungry for more information about the chicken they purchase, according to a new research presented at the 2018 Chicken Marketing Summit, in Orlando, Florida. In the two weeks leading up to the survey, 86 percent of consumers ate a chicken meal or snack …

Turkey Industry Reviewing Salmonella Controls Amid Outbreak

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The National Turkey Federation says its members are fully cooperating with a CDC-USDA investigation into an outbreak of salmonella poisoning that’s been linked to raw turkey products. The industry website Meating Place Dot Com says the outbreak has affected 90 people across 26 states since last November. The US Centers for Disease Control says the turkey came from a variety …

Egg Producers Urge Support for Commerce Language in Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Poultry

The National Association of Egg Farmers is urging lawmakers to support language included in the farm bill that seeks to uphold the U.S. Constitution commerce clause. The clause says Congress is to regulate commerce among states, but the group alleges certain states are implementing laws regulating how eggs are produced outside the state and then imported into that state. The …

National Chicken Council Animal Welfare Guidelines Certified

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The review process has taken several months, but the National Chicken Council’s broiler and broiler breeder welfare guidelines have been certified by the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization. PAACO is a leading authority on animal welfare auditing that provides high-quality training and certification credentials for auditors and audits. Dr. Ashley Peterson is the NCC Senior Vice President of Scientific and …

Grant Awarded for Studying Livestock Antimicrobials Impact

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

A $3.1 million grant will fund research studying the impacts of California’s new legislation limiting the use of antimicrobial drugs given to livestock raised in the state. Meat industry publication Meatingplace reports the grant from the Wellcome Trust will fund research at George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. The California law took effect this year and is …

USDA Issues Warning of Newcastle Virus to Commercial Poultry

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The Department of Agriculture says at least 18 outbreaks of Virulent Newcastle Disease have been confirmed in backyard chickens in Southern California. The outbreaks prompted the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to issue a warning to commercial poultry operations. The infected backyard chickens were found in Los Angeles and San Bernardino in May and June. In the USDA statement, …

Celebrating National Turkey Lovers Month

Dan Poultry, This Land of Ours

Gobble, gobble, gobble. No, it isn’t Thanksgiving…yet. Cathy Isom does have some delicious facts about why you don’t have to five months to celebrate a famous holiday meal. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Celebrating National Turkey Lovers Month This may surprise you, but June is National Turkey Lovers’ Month! You might think this would be designated for …

CDC Investigating Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Backyard Poultry

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating several multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections linked to contact with live poultry in backyard flocks. As of June 1, 2018, 124 people infected with the outbreak strains of Salmonella have been reported from 36 states. Several different types of Salmonella bacteria have made people sick, according to the CDC’s investigation. 21 …