Rural Prosperity Still as Important as Ever

Dan Georgia, Industry News Release

Across America, more sincere attention is being focused on rural development and prosperity than at any other time I, or anyone I know, can remember. The Trump Administration is taking steps with infrastructure and USDA programming to nurture future greatness across the entirety of the fruited plain. I salute the President’s efforts. However, initiatives like this require extensive research and …

House Farm Bill Markup Delayed

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

Disagreements among the House Agriculture Committee members regarding the nutrition title are stalling movement on the farm bill. Committee Chairman Mike Conaway of Texas says there will not be a farm bill markup next week, citing the committee’s progress in “negotiating to a yes” from both Republicans and Democrats. Conaway and House Democrats are in conflict over the way the …

Mexico Seeks Closing Seven NAFTA Chapters in Next Round

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade officials in Mexico say they hope to close seven chapters in the next round of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Talks, planned for Washington, D.C. next month. Mexico trade officials told Politico the goal of the next round is to close seven chapters that are 90 percent complete and include telecommunications, digital trade, technical barriers to trade, energy, …

House Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan STRESS Act to Help Farmers

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

Lawmakers in the House this week introduced legislation to provide farmers with stress assistance programs. The Stemming the Tide of Rural Economic Stress and Suicide, or STRESS Act, seeks to make mental health treatment more available for farmers, ranchers and agricultural workers. The legislation was introduced by Minnesota Representative Tom Emmer, along with lawmakers from Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois, and …

House Follows Senate, Introduces Emission Reporting Exemption

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The U.S. House, following Senate action, has introduced a bill to stop an unintended regulation of farms. Introduced this week, ACRE, the Agricultural Certainty for Reporting Emissions Act, would avoid unnecessary environmental reporting for farmers and ranchers. The Senate version of the bill, the Fair Agricultural Reporting Method, or FARM Act, would do the same. Under current regulations, approximately 200,000 …

Cranberries Targeted by EU in Trade Spat

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The European Union classifies cranberries as a retaliation target in response to President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs. Bloomberg reports cranberries are among a basket of all-American goods, from peanut butter to bourbon whiskey and Harley Davidson motorbikes, singled out by the European Union. A lawmaker from Wisconsin says U.S. dairy is on the list as well, though the official …

Secretary Perdue Testifies on Rebuilding American Infrastructure

Dan Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation hearing entitled “Rebuilding Infrastructure in America: Administration Perspectives.” Secretary Perdue was joined by Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. Excerpts from Secretary Perdue’s opening statement: …

Farm Bureau Compares Crop Insurance to Ad Hoc Disaster

Dan Economy, Field Crops, Industry News Release

As Congress continues preparation for the 2018 Farm Bill, rural America continues to voice its support for maintaining a strong crop insurance system. One of the loudest voices in that chorus belongs to the country’s largest farm organization, the American Farm Bureau Federation. An active member of the crop insurance coalition, Farm Bureau is working hard to dispel myths about …

House Bill Exempts Farms From Reporting Emissions

Dan Cattle, Environment, Industry News Release, Livestock

A bipartisan bill to exempt farmers from reporting to the U.S. Coast Guard emissions from the natural breakdown of manure on their farms yesterday was introduced in the U.S. House. The National Pork Producers Council strongly supports the legislation, which is similar to a bipartisan bill introduced last month in the Senate. Sponsored by Reps. Billy Long, R-Mo., and Jim …

Opening of New Labs Highlights Field Day at Range Cattle REC

Dan Cattle, Florida, Industry News Release, Research

New vials, beakers, test tubes and sinks. More room. Those are just some of the features of laboratories that will open at the annual Field Day on April 5 at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Range Cattle Research and Education Center. “These spaces greatly advance our efforts to modernize our research laboratory and graduate student …