Excitement Abounds with Sunbelt Ag Expo’s Return Oct. 19-21

Clint Thompson Georgia

By Clint Thompson

What a difference a year makes for Chip Blalock and the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Georgia.


A year ago at this time, the annual event scheduled in mid-October was canceled amid COVID-19.

Blalock, executive director of the Expo, exudes excitement, however, for the event’s return on Oct. 19-21. It will mark the 43rd year that the show will be held at Spence Field.

“It’s 180 degrees for sure compared to last year when we had to cancel. That was no fun at all. But we did it for the right reasons, for safety, and safety is paramount again this year,” Blalock said. “We’re an outdoor show and will be encouraging all of the protocols. You just don’t know how good it is to be putting the luncheon program together (Monday); putting the final touches on the Farmer of the Year program, getting ready for the banquet, getting ready for the Spotlight State, ribbon cutting. That’s all the things we’ve been working on (Monday morning) at one point in time. It’s just a wonderful deal to be in this spot again planning an in-person show.”

More than 1,200 exhibitors and thousands of visitors are expected to visit the 100-acre show site. Gates will open at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

“It’s great to be busy. It’s great to be in the final stages, the preparation, to welcome all of our farmers and attendees back to the show, and our exhibitors. I just couldn’t be happier, especially compared to last year,” Blalock said.