(GDA/August 3, 2021) — The Georgia Department of Agriculture’s (GDA) Animal Industry Division confirmed Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDV2) in domestic rabbits at a single Gwinnett County premise. This is the second confirmed case this year. The investigation is ongoing to determine the source of the virus and currently it does not appear to be linked to the Cobb County case. The premises will remain under quarantine pending additional investigation and development of a site-specific response plan.
GDA has approved the importation of RHDV vaccine by Georgia licensed veterinarians for administration to domestic rabbits living in Georgia. Once the vaccine is available in Georgia, GDA will post contact information for veterinary practices that will be administering vaccine. Georgia licensed veterinarians interested in more information regarding vaccination should contact the GDA Animal Health office at (404) 656-3667 or AnimalHealth@agr.georgia.gov.
Previously on June 22, 2021, the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s (GDA) Animal Industry Division confirmed Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDV2) in domestic rabbits at a single Cobb County premise. The investigation is ongoing to determine the source of the virus and there are currently no other confirmed or suspect cases in Georgia. The remaining rabbits in the herd are completing a 90-day quarantine in an isolation facility. The affected premises are undergoing cleaning and disinfection before it will remain fallow for a minimum of 30 days
Georgia requires an official CVI issued within the previous 30 days for domestic rabbits entering the state for sale, trade, adoption or exchange for a fee or other type of compensation. GDA is currently reviewing this rule and if appropriate, will post any updates to entry requirements for rabbits coming into Georgia.
RHDV2 is a reportable disease in Georgia. Veterinarians should report sick or dead domestic rabbits to the State Veterinarian’s office at (404) 656-3667 or the office of the USDA Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) at (770)-761-5420. Sick or dead wild rabbits should be reported to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources at 1-(833)-557-3303 or (706) 557-3333.
For more information on national RHDV2 outbreak areas, please visit https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/maps/animal-health/rhd.
You can find GDA resources on RHDV2 at http://agr.georgia.gov/rabbit-hemorrhagic-disease-resources.aspx
Additional Information
- RHDV Biosecurity Guidance Document
- RHDV Frequently Asked Questions Guidance
- RHDV Shows and Exhibitions Guidance
- Frequently Asked Questions Involving Wild Rabbits and Hares
- USDA RHDV Resources
Source: Georgia Department of Agriculture