Updates Improve Cotton Cultivated Website

Dan Cotton

Cotton Incorporated’s producer-focused website, Cotton Cultivated, was recently refreshed making the site an even better resource for producers. Since its launch in 2015, Cotton Cultivated has become a tool for the cotton-growing community, allowing quick and easy access to important information. The site provides a portal that integrates videos, downloadable documents, webcasts, and real-time news feeds that have been “cultivated” to reduce …

Export Demand Remains Strong for U.S Cotton

Dan Cotton, Exports/Imports

The U.S. cotton balance sheet for June indicates a trend of strong exports for this marketing year and going into the next. Rod Bain has the details. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Cotton Planting Delays in Some States

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

Planting of cotton and peanut seed continues across the Southeast. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) notes the number of acres planted are close to the 5-year averages in most cases. But USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says there are cotton planting delays in the some of the wetter states. Rippey says there was a net improvement in overall cotton …

GCC Encourages Farmers to Participate in Pandemic Cover Crop Program

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) encourages producers to participate in the Pandemic Cover Crop Program, which is an insurance premium benefit for growers with cover crops. Farmers are eligible for coverage under most crop insurance policies for a premium benefit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture if they planted cover crops during this crop year.  “Georgia’s cotton …

Planter Considerations for Cotton During Dry Conditions

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission cautions producers about planting this year’s cotton crop in extreme hot and dry conditions. That’s why Simer Virk, University of Georgia Assistant Professor and Cooperative Extension Precision Ag Specialist, recommends growers wait as long as possible for rainfall to provide moisture to the soil. “If you can wait, definitely wait. But if you …

National Cotton Council Working to Protect Current Tax Policy

Dan Cotton, Economy

The National Cotton Council (NCC) recently joined 40 other agriculture organizations on a letter to House and Senate leadership to express significant concerns about legislative proposals that would jeopardize the future of family-owned farm and ranch businesses. NCC Vice President of Washington Operations, Reece Langley, explains how the Council is working to protect current tax policy for farmers and others in agriculture. …

GCC Reminds Producers About Thrips

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia

The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) reminds producers that thrips damage can be harmful to young cotton plants. Management for thrips begins at planting, says Phillip Roberts, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton entomologist. “We need to be concerned with thrips from the time that plant emerges until we reach the fourth true leaf stage, and that plant is growing rapidly,” …

Rain Causing Cotton Planting Delays

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

Planting of cotton and peanut seed continues across the Southeast. But according to the weekly report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS), the number of acres planted are a bit behind what has been normal over the past five years. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says rain is causing delays, especially in cotton planting. In Alabama, …

Irrigation Key During Hot, Dry Conditions

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Irrigation, Peanuts

By Clint Thompson Cotton and peanut plantings are well underway across the Southeast. Unfortunately with it being hot and dry, these are not ideal conditions as seed and plants are being put in the ground. Wes Porter, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension precision agriculture and irrigation specialist, stresses the importance of maintaining moisture in the soil. Irrigation helps promote …

Alabama Cotton Planting Should Accelerate This Week

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton

A week of sunshine is just what the doctor ordered for Alabama cotton producers trying to get this year’s crop planted. Wet weather has stalled plantings so far this spring, says Alabama Extension cotton specialist Steve Brown. “We’ve been a good bit behind. The last few days have helped us. There’s still a few places that are probably a little …