EPA Regional Administrator Visits Urban Agriculture Sites in Metro Atlanta


Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 Administrator Daniel Blackman visited two urban agriculture sites, Metro-Atlanta Urban Farm and an urban backyard farm created by the youngest organic farmer of Georgia. This visit highlighted the importance of urban agriculture’s role with the environment and community and showcased successful impact and outreach at all levels. “The contributions of community leaders …

Battle over Atrazine Continues

Dan Corn, Environment, Field Crops, Pest/Pest Control, USDA-EPA

Late last month, the Environmental Protection Agency reopened the finalized reregistration of atrazine. The EPA proposes an extremely low ecological level of concern value for atrazine of just 3.4 parts per billion, down from the scientifically proven 15 parts per billion, according to Gary Marshall, Triazine Network Co-Chair and retired Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO. “In 2019, the EPA agreed …

Proposed Changes on Using Atrazine

Dan Environment, USDA-EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released proposed changes to the agency’s September 2020 atrazine interim decision. The Scoop says the proposal includes five changes to atrazine labels to lower runoff from farm fields. The agency wants to prohibit application when soils are saturated or above field capacity. The proposal would also prohibit application within 48 hours of a forecasted rain …

Cattle, Water Industry Reps Gives Insights During First WOTUS Roundtable

Dan Cattle, Legislative, USDA-EPA, Water, WOTUS Act

WOTUS is in the spotlight once again. Cattle producers representing several states voiced their concerns with the Environmental Protection Agency’s and Army Corps of Engineers’ ongoing Waters of the U.S. rulemaking attempt at a roundtable organized by the Kansas Livestock Association. “Very important to our members are clarity with jurisdictional rules. We supported the navigable waters protection rule in particular …

American Farmers are Dropping Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Dan Climate Change, Environment, Greenhouse Gas, USDA-EPA

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), American agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions fell over four percent from 2019 to 2020. The recent Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks shows ag represents only 10 percent of total U.S. emissions, much lower than other economic sectors. Farm Bureau economists analyzed the EPA data and found that total agricultural emissions in …

EPA Sending Biofuel Blending Mandates to White House This Week

Dan Biofuels/Energy, Legislative, Regulation, USDA-EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to send the long-awaited 2020-2022 biofuel blending mandates to the White House early this week. Two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters the White House would then be working through a final review of the numbers. The EPA released a proposed rule in December, but it’s not known whether the mandates sent …

EPA Announces Plan to Protect Endangered Species and Support Sustainable Agriculture


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week released its first-ever comprehensive work plan to address the challenge of protecting endangered species from pesticides. The plan establishes four overall strategies and dozens of actions to adopt protections while providing farmers, public health authorities, and others with access to pesticides. EPA has an opportunity and an obligation to improve how it meets …

Biden to Allow Summertime E15 Sales

Dan Biofuels/Energy, USDA-EPA

President Joe Biden has announced the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking steps to allow for summertime E15 sales. Biden made the announcement during a visit to an ethanol facility in Iowa Tuesday. To make E15 available in the summer, EPA is planning to issue a national emergency waiver. Without the waiver, E15 can’t be used in most of the …

Loveland Products Beat New EPA Requirements

Dan Environment, USDA-EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now requiring some new regulations for over-the-top applications of Dicamba. Ag Events Marketing Manager for Loveland Products, Eileen Bernard, says that includes drip reduction and volatility reduction agents. But Bernard notes that their new Delta Complete beats those new EPA requirements. Bernard said the product is available at Nutrien Ag Solutions or anywhere Dicamba is sold. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober …